Extraordinary life-size puppetry, an electrifying set of shadow and light and a filmic score combine for a unique piece about a female physicist fighting to get her voice heard. Award-winning Smoking Apples (CELL, In Our Hands) team up with TEA Films (Royal Court, Battersea Arts Centre) to create a bespoke film-version of Flux.
Filmed at The Albany, Deptford in May 2021
Meet Kate: a physicist in the male-dominated labs of the 1980s. With a trademark perm and HUGE glasses, follow Kate as she discovers her potential as a cutting edge scientist.
As the pounding beats of her records crash and the elements of her personal life collide, Kate is in a spin.
With extraordinary puppetry, an electrifying set of shadow and light and a filmic score, Flux journeys into the kaleidoscope of Kate’s mind; the neon glow, the radioactive tunes and the ride of a lifetime.
Flux is inspired by the work of female scientists and has been developed with Shoreditch Town Hall, Oxford Playhouse, Arts at the Old Fire Station, Cornerstone Arts, Brewery Arts Centre and the Institute of Physics.
Supported using public funding by Arts Council England.
“Inventive” “Entertaining” “Irresistible” – British Theatre Guide
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“visually the show is stunning” – A Younger Theatre
Click here for the Audio Described trailer.
To purchase tickets, please click through on the dates/link on the right hand side of this page. Once you have purchased, you will receive an email with a link and unique password, to view the film of the show online. Please note that these links and passwords will only be valid for the dates you purchase tickets for and will not work prior to this. If you have any questions, please email the venue you booked your ticket with.
A Smoking Apples production, created by the cast and creative team.
Puppeteer (Kate): Hattie Thomas
Puppeteer (Kate) & Ensemble: Molly Freeman
Puppeteer (Kate) & Ensemble: Anne Condé
Puppeteer (Alan) & Ensemble: Matthew Lloyd
Set design: Matthew Lloyd
Puppet design: Hattie Thomas & Matthew Lloyd
Shadow puppet design: Lydia Markham
Costume: Molly Freeman
Dramaturgy: Clancy Flynn
Composer and sound designer: Jon Ouin
Lighting Design: Sherry Coenen
Internal lighting programming: Clancy Flynn
Touring technician: Clancy Flynn
Photography: The Other Richard
Print: Hattie Thomas
Videography and trailer: Theo Bosanquet
Producer (Digital Tour 2021): Sofia Stephanou
Film Production Company (Digital Tour 2021): TEA Films
For more information about the company and show, click here.
Film length – 56 minutes.
Supported by Arts Council England.