New R&D – We’re hiring!
We’re seeking two brilliant, creative, like-minded individuals to join Team SA for the early stage R&D of our brand new show in June. Continuing to develop our trade mark style of puppetry and visual theatre, the R&D will focus on radioactivity and the position of women in science.
We have positions available for a Production and Administrative Assistant and a Female Puppeteer/Performer and would love to hear from anyone who is interested! The job descriptions, project dates and information on how to apply are available on Arts Jobs UK at the links below.
Applications close on Friday 20th May, 12pm and both the interviews and workshop auditions will be held on Thursday 9th June.
Please note, both positions are funding dependent but we anticipate hearing back prior to the interview/workshop audition date. There are also two email addresses on the information (we had a scatty moment) but both work so please email either.
Production/Administrative Assistant Job Description and Info
Female Puppeteer/Performer Job Description and Info
Thanks in advance, Team SA.